An introductory text for the triad of articles about theses in the didactics of biology, physics and chemistry
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How to Cite

Žák, V., Rusek, M., & Pavlasová, L. (2016). An introductory text for the triad of articles about theses in the didactics of biology, physics and chemistry. Scientia in Educatione, 6(2), 2-3.


The three analyses which are part of this issue of Scientia in educatione are one of the first steps of our intention to create a kind of a database, network of materials and links, including scientific publications and their sources which we consider as relevant in our fields. The fields are the didactics of physics, chemistry and biology or other sciences. The authors of the three analyses used the same methodology even though each of them in their own way. They concentrate on the theses defended within the given years, workplace where they were defended, gender of their authors, data gathering methods and level of education which is the focus of the theses.
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