The Use of Career Advisory Services by Students at Middle Vocational Schools


  • Lenka Hloušková



career advisory service, social justice, pupils in vocational education, higher secondary education


The importance of career advisory services is usually discussed in relation to its value for individuals, but in this study attention is focused on one of the wider social goals of these services, and specifi cally the question of how career advisory services can contribute to social justice in society. The goal is to identify the role of career advisory services in tackling social inequalities. Method: The text is based on data obtained by questionnaire in the course of March and April 2018 among pupils in the fi nal year of full-time studies at middle vocational training centres and middle vocational schools in the South Moravia and Moravian-Silesian regions. The roles of career advisory services are uncovered via statistically signifi cant diff erences between those who used the services and those who did not as correlated (or not) with gender, subjective rating of educational results, type of completion of studies, and educational aspirations.
Results: 14% of the 3096 pupil-respondents had consulted a career expert. These services had more frequently been used by pupils who had changed school in the course of their studies, rated their educational results as “one” (i.e. highly) on a scale of classifi cation, had declared an improvement in their educational results in the course of their studies and those with an idea of their educational and/or work future. By contrast pupils who rated their educational results as “suffi cient” (i.e. mediocre) or are unsatisfi ed with their results, more often just plan to use the services of an expert. A one-off consultation with an advisor has more often been sought by those who do not see themselves going into work connected with their fi eld of school studies so far, but have aspirations to achieve a higher level of education than the level they are just fi nishing. Conclusion: The findings described suggest that career advisory services have the potential to contribute to social justice via three roles that develop depending on the profi les of pupils-clients and their reason for consulting the service.


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