The Quality of the Teaching of Vocational Subjects and its Research using Didactic Case Studies


  • Pavel Pecina
  • Peter Marinič



quality of teaching, research on the quality of teaching, didactic case study, didactic case study in teaching vocational subjects


The empirical study presented here is devoted to a hitherto little-researched area, that of using didactic case studies for research on the quality of the teaching of vocational subjects in secondary schools. The aim of the study is to define the specifics of the quality of teaching in the conditions of technical vocational education and research into that using didactic case studies. Furthermore, we present the main findings from a didactic case study realised in the teaching of a technical vocational subject at a secondary technical school in Brno in 2019. Research methods: A qualitative approach was applied in the research using a didactic case study. The results provide information about the possibility of examining the quality of the teaching of technical vocational subjects using didactic case studies and also provide insights into the specific educational situation and its evaluation. The conclusions help to define and identify the examination of the quality of the teaching of technical vocational subjects.


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2021-04-08 — Updated on 2021-04-08




Research paper